Konrad Wölki was one of the composers in Germany who made the move from the traditional mandolin orchestra (Mandolinenorchester) to the modern mandolin orchesra (Zupforchester). His first compositions were big ouvertures intended for large orchestras in the more traditional style, but later he started to look back into history and start compose in a style without the tremolo.
Konrad Wölki was the author of a mandolin method and studies for one or two mandolins.
I will add more information about Konrad Wölki later to this article.
The sheet music for all compositions is available at Trekel Verlag.
About Konrad Wölki: http://wikipedia.qwika.com/de2en/Konrad_W%C3%B6lki
I have compiled all the youtube videos with works by Konrad Wölki that I have found so far.
Ouvertüre Nr. 1 in A-Dur
「序曲 イ長調」 Ouverture A Dure Wolki
Synthesized Version – Virtual Mandolin Orchestra
Ouvertüre Nr. 2. in Fis-Moll
Shaddai Mandolinenensemble
Ouvertüre Nr. 3 in D-Dur
ヴィヴァ・マンドリーノ第14回定演「序曲第三番『ニ長調』」 Konrad Wölki
Viva Mandolino 14th Concert Part1
“Ouvertüre Nr. 3 (D-Dur)”
Composition: Konrad Wölki
Arrangement: Jun Akagi “赤城 淳”
Direcotor: Takeshi Katakura “片倉 武”
序曲第三番「ニ長調」Ouvertüre Nr.3 in D-dur : Konrad Wölki
Hamamatsu Mandolin Orchestra since 1971
Ouvertüre Nr. 4 in H-Moll, Op. 7
Obertura nº4 Op. 7 en Sim (Konrad Wölki) – OCPCA
Obertura nº4 Op. 7 en Sim / Oberture nº4 Op. 7 in B minor
Interpretado por O.C.P.C.A. (Orquesta de Cuerda Pulsada de los Conservatorios de Aragón)
Director: Jorge Casanova
Obertura nº4 Op.7 en Sim (Konrad Wölki) OCPCA
Concierto Teatro Bellas Artes TARAZONA: 05/05/2012
Mandoline Konzert Higashi 5.
Ab 13.30 Uhr, 23. August 1992 (Montag) (1992)
Zentral Community Center Great Hall HigashihiroshimaKonrad Wölki Komponisten “in B minor” Ouvertüre Nr. vier
Ouvertüre “Die Heimreise”, Op. 17
序曲 「ハイムライゼ」 Die Heimreise,Ouvertüre Konrad Helmut Wölki K.ヴェルキ
Hamamatsu Mandolin Orchestra since1971
Bundang Mandolin Orchestra
Heimreise partial
Conducted by MinSoon Park
KoreaNot recorded fully because of battery low )-:
Die Grosse Stunde, Ein festliches Stück, Op. 18
Hamamatsu Mandolin Orchestra
Suite Nr. 2, “Musik für schlichte Feierstunden” Op. 31
Abonnement Concert Mandoline Verein Gymnasium Meiji 22. 1981
00:00 _I: Mit innerer Beschwingtheit (うきうきした気分で)
01:42 _II: Freudig erregt (楽しく高揚して)
05:01 _III: Sehr gemessen (とても荘厳に)
07:48 _IV: Mit leichten Tanzschritten (軽やかなステップで)
10:05 V: Sehr gestrafft (すごく合理的に)
Europäische Suite, Op. 89
Konrad Wölki, Europäische Suite
Der Mandolinenclub “Ellerbek von 1911” e.V. spielt anlässlich seines 100-jährigen Jubiläums im Kieler Schloss: Konrad Wölki op. 89 Europäische Suite
Konrad Wölki – Flemish Pirate Song from European Suite op.89
Konrad Wölki, Flemish Pirate Song (Flämisches Seeräuberlied) from: Europäische Suite (European Suite), op. 89 played by the Mandolin Orchestra Ettlingen, www.mandolinenorchester-ettlingen.de, conducted by Boris Björn Bagger,
Konrad Wölki, Europäische Suite, op. 89 (excerpts)
Konrad Wölki, Europäische Suite (European Suite), op. 89 (excerpts) played by the Mandolin Orchestra Ettlingen, www.mandolinenorchester-ettlingen.de, conducted by Boris Björn
Konzert für Oboe und Orchester
Suite Appassionata
Chuo-Universität Musik Study Group Mandolinenclub: 熱情組曲 K ヴェルキ Suite Appassionata K.Wölki
2012年 第102回定期演奏会より
1. Leidenschaftlich bewegt
2. Schmerzlich(2’43″)
3. Still Vergnudt(8’30″)
4. Leidenschaftlich bewegt(10’38″)
En Bälg&En Stråke – Suite Appassionata
En Bälg&En stråke performs Suite Assassionata by Konrad Wölki
Musik på Forsviks bruk 2010
Per Boesen cello Kallis Bengtsson accordion
Arrangements by Konrad Wölki
Suite von G. F. Händel
Suite by Händel played by the Mandolin Orchestra Het CONSORT
The Suite by Georg Friedrich Händel performed here on YouTube by the Dutch Mandolin Chamber Orchestra Het CONSORT is a compilation of 4 pieces arranged for Mandolin Orchestra of Händel’s harpsichord music based on an earlier setting for mandolin orchestra by the German mandolin pioneer Konrad Wölki. All the movements show Händel’s remarkable polyphonic and wonderful melodic style.
Especially known, in solo instrumental as well as in orchestral versions, is the famous theme of the Sarabande to which Händel added two beautiful variations.
John Baston – Konzert für Flöte und Orchester
John Baston (1730) (Concerto N°2 in Do magg. per flauto soprano e orchestra a plettro)
“Arcangelo Corelli” Orchestra – Poncarale BS Italy – 18-04-1993
(Google Maps=45.461,10.172637)
John Baston (Konzert Nr.II (C-dur)
für Sopran-Blockflöte or Oboe or Akkordeon und Zupfinstrumente
Arrangiamento: Konrad Wölki
Flauto: Elena C.
Mandolino solo: Fabio B.
Art Direction: Lorenzo Bianchi
Santa Lucia
83. regelmäßige Konzerttätigkeit Mandolin Ensemble Anima Nagasaki
Santa Lucia (neapolitanische Volkslied, von Konrad Wölki angeordnet)
Serenata Napolitana – Fedele Rivelli
Mandolinata Mannheim 2009 – Serenata napolitana – Fedele Rivelli
Fedele Rivelli (unbek.)
Arr. K. Wölki