On this page I do regularly post information about mandolin workshops, festivals, teachers and other events.
Caused by the Corona pandemnic most events have been cancelled or postponed. Please check the websites of the organizers for details.

The Venice Mandolin Festival 2023
Concerts in Venice 3 – 6 May 2023
The Venice Mandolin Festivakl will take place in May 2023.
There will also be a playing seminar with Keith Harris that ends with a concert on May 3rd. See the following information:

You can find all details about the festival on the festival website:
International composition competition for mandolin
https://www.edition49.de Bühnen und Musikverlag GmbH and Musikwerkstatt Siegburg / Germany
(Germany – Mandolin is the instrument of the year 2023)
We are searching for new and exciting music with mandolin!
Registration and infos here: https://musicaward.edition49.de/en/
International Jury. Prize money in total € 8,000.00. In addition, the Humperdinckfreunde Siegburg e.V. association will award a special prize of € 250.00.
There are no stylistic or cast requirements. Works for solo mandolin, duos, trios, mandolin in a band or orchestra with mandolin can be submitted. How or what type of mandolin (e.g. classical, bluegrass, electronic) is played is free. The composers are free to submit a one-movement or multi-movement work. The type of instruments to be used (e.g. tin whistle or duduk) is also free. The only condition is that the mandolin must be present as an instrument in the composition.
Antonio Vivaldi, Gustav Mahler, Giuseppe Verdi, Arnold Schönberg, Frank Zappa, REM etc. wrote music for mandolin.
Mandolin Cafe Workshops
More mandolin workshops: https://www.mandolincafe.com/forum/content/125-workshops
Eurofestival Zupfmusik – Bruchsal

The Eurofestival is organized by the BDZ every four years. The last festival took place in 2018. The next Eurofestival will take place in 2026.
Details and information on the following website: http://www.eurofestival-zupfmusik.de/
All performances of the 2018 Eurofestival were filmed and are available in the youtube channel of the BDZ: youtube channel des BDZ
Chamber-Music Competitions Schweinfurt
Yearly competitions for plucked instruments – check website for details about past and future competitions.
Internationaler Musikwettbewerb 2023 – International Music Competition 2023
Competition for Guitar Solo – 20. – 22. Oktober 2023
Anmeldung/Registration: ab 1. Oktober 2022
International Yasuo-Kuwahara-Competition for Mandolin solo – Schweinfurt – took place in October 8 – 10 2121!
Infos at Musikforum Schweinfurt

San Diego Mandolin Camp
The 2023 San Diego Classical Mandolin Camp, led by classical mandolinist, composer and educator Chris Acquavella will take place August 14-19, 2023 at Handlery Hotel San Diego.
River of the West Mandolin Camp XIII June 9-12, 2022
The 13th annual River of the West Mandolin Camp is June 9 – 12, 2022, in Corbett, Oregon, located in the majestic Columbia River Gorge just 20 miles east of Portland, Oregon. The instructors, chosen for their masterful mandolin playing distinction and exceptional teaching abilities, include Don Stiernberg, Carlo Aonzo, Grant Flick and Camp founder Brian Oberlin.

Marilynn Mair’s American Mandolin & Guitar Summer School (AMGuSS)

AMGuSS dates for 2022 are June 27 – July 2.
After canceling AMGuSS for the past two years, because of the Covid pandemic, we are delighted to return to the waterfront campus of Roger Williams University, Bristol, Rhode Island, for 2022. Check-in will be at 1:00 on June 27; check-out will be after lunch on July 2.
More information: Website
International Contest for Composition for Plucked String Orchestra “José Fernández Rojas”
Information available at: http://www.bip-rioja.com/wp/
International Mandolin Academy directed by Maestro Carlo Aonzo

XV International Italian Mandolin & Guitar Accademia
August 15th-22nd 2021
The International Mandolin Academy, directed by Maestro Carlo Aonzo, provides a unique opportunity for players of all levels to participate in a one-week musical holiday dedicated to the mandolin and the guitar. Together with musicians from all over the world, moments of intense cultural, musical and social exchange are shared with participants of all ages in which music becomes the common, universal language.

Cividale del Friuli (Udine – Italy) from 6 to 10 August 2022
Including Carlo Aonzo for mandolin
Keith Harris Mandolin Lessons
Keith Harris offers personal mandolin lessons via the Internet. Details can be found on his website: http://www.mandolin-lessons.com/

Periodical Festivals
Festival international de Mandoline de Castellar
Website: www.festivalmandoline.fr
Festival International Mandolines de Lunel
Website: http://www.mandolinesdelunel.com/
Festival Internacional de Plectro de La Rioja
Website: www.plectrorioja.com
Summer school of the mandolin orchestra Giocoso in Lieboch / Graz / Austria:
Website: http://www.giocoso.at/
Website : http://www.sommermusikfest.de/
Sore Fingers
Website: http://www.sorefingers.co.uk/
Find more seminars etc. on the following pages:
Gitarre-Aktuell – Guitar website:
Pages of the Bund Deutscher Zupfmusiker (BDZ), the German association of mandolin orchestras: