Davide Pancetti is a mandolin player, musicologist and composer from Modena in Italy. On his website you can find free sheet music and recordings of his compositions.
In his youtube channel you can find videos of his compositions, of important works by other composers and also tutorials for mandolin and guitar.
In the following video you can hear a live recording of Rêverie I by Davide Pancetti.
In his latest video Davide Pancetti plays his Fantsia on “Howl’s Moving Castle”:
Davide Pancetti has also recorded a number of interesting compositions for the mandolin like the following mazurka “Fata Bruna” by Giuseppe Sgallari for mandolin and guitar.
The Japanese mandolin player Kozo Onishi has played the compositions by Davide Pancetti and has published his videos.
Playlist – Kozo Onishi plays Davide Pancetti
1:24 Serenata a Primavera 春のセレナータ
5:15 Mazurka マズルカ
9:50 Fantasia Napoletana ナポリ風幻想曲
17:45 La linea dei monti 山の稜線
1:30 Preludio in Do Maggiore 前奏曲ハ長調
4:05 Air from Suite no.3 G線上のアリア
11:50 Preludio e Fugato 前奏曲とフガート
20:00 Tre Reverie 三つの夢
2:47 Autumn Postcard 秋のポストカード
7:07 Natura morta 1,2 静物画1,2
16:50 Un Jardin Andaluz アンダルシアの庭
The followin short biography was taken from Davide Pancettis website:
Davide Pancetti
1993, Modena. Composer, musicologist, artist.
Musicological training with a three-year degree at the “Department of Musicology and Cultural Heritage” of the University of Pavia, based in Cremona. Master’s degree at the “Department of Music and Theater Disciplines” at the University of Bologna.
I teach music theory, composition and analysis as well as mandolin, my primary instrument in various contexts (including Mutinae Plectri a.p.s. and Massimo Riva Music School).
I have always been involved in art, and its relations with philosophy and music.
I am interested in art as a thought, as a history and as an education.
I live the artistic journey as a way of research, which crosses others such as philosophy and spirituality.
This is why what I do can be summarized in 3 points:
-lectures and conferences
-study and research
artistic production (composition, paintings, and various)